Statements: Ul Ji Bong 6

Canonical ID: kprusi-48c26aa4045c8335e8273a1a6cf0f4f71aaa6f68 · Entity type: Vessel (reference)

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Vessel:descriptionCargo ship involved in the export of DPRK-origin coal. Violating measures imposed under paragraph 6 of resolution 2371 (2017) on vessels transporting prohibited items from the DPRK. Reported by a UN Member State as spoofing as the "Hope 1" "when it exported its coal in Ningbo-Zhoushan waters between October and November 2021. "The Panel notes that, apart from transmitting a false identity that would raise suspicion, any physical differences such as transmitted vessel length would be observed at proximity."kp_rusi_reportskprusi-48c26aa4045c8335e8273a1a6cf0f4f71aaa6f68
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