Statements: Embassy of the DPRK in Germany

Canonical ID: kprusi-7b0eb4367ecc8a4f37c19533a499e52860e2514d · Entity type: Organization (reference)

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Organization:descriptionNorth Korean Embassy. Until operations ceased in May 2020, the Embassy generated illegal revenues by renting embassy property known as the "City Hostel Berlin". The UN Panel of Experts also investigated a diplomat of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ri Yun Thaek (a.k.a. Ri Yun Taek) who attempted to procure a multi-gas monitor, which, according to Germany, is a prohibited dual-use item that may be used in the production of chemical weapons, while based at the Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Berlin in 2012 and 2013. Germany informed the Panel that it had prevented the procurement attempt but had been unable to take any legal action against Ri owing to his diplomatic status. Germany subsequently expelled Ri and informed other European Union member States about his activities.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-7b0eb4367ecc8a4f37c19533a499e52860e2514d
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