Statements: Korea Rungra 888 Trading Company

Canonical ID: kprusi-ab39e3c9375034649e47e806b5f5c17a56e3a27e · Entity type: Company (reference)

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Company:descriptionInvolved in luxury commodity imports to the DPRK from Japan. Former owner of the vessel "Kum Rung 5" (IMO: 8850865) until November 2005. Exhibitor at the 20th Spring Pyongyang International Trade Fair (PITF) in 2017. Collaborated with Kim Ju Sok to send at least 60 DPRK trainees to the Russian company Stroy Servis LLC in July 2020, where they would be working at vegetable greenhouses in the Moscow area and would receive 500 US dollars for their participation in the program.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-ab39e3c9375034649e47e806b5f5c17a56e3a27e
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