Canonical ID: ua-ws-cc0a7104e901215c0194371bd810f5032a2679f6
· Entity type: Vessel
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Vessel:description | Since the beginning of 2022, it has been involved in the systematic theft of Ukrainian grain from the TOT of Ukraine (Sevastopol) and its export to Iran and Syria with the AIS signal switched off, using a scheme to conceal the fact of the vessel's entry into a closed Crimean port in violation of the state borders of Ukraine. | ua_war_sanctions | ua-ws-cc0a7104e901215c0194371bd810f5032a2679f6 | ||||
Vessel:description | The sender of the grain is the russian company Pallada LLC (TIN: 6161095847), founded on 03 February 2022 and specialising in the wholesale trade of grain, which is involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain from the TOT of Crimea by other vessels, including ‘Grumant’ (IMO 9385879), ‘Mikhail Nenashev’ (IMO 9515539), ‘Matros Pozynich’ (IMO 9573816), etc. | ua_war_sanctions | ua-ws-cc0a7104e901215c0194371bd810f5032a2679f6 |