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Artem Mikhaylovich Yamshchikov

Sanctioned entity
NameARTEM MIKHAILOVICH YAMSHCHIKOV · Artem Mikhailovich Yamshchikov · Artem Mikhaylovich YAMSHCHIKOV · Artem Mikhaylovich Yamshchikov · YAMSHCHIKOV, Artem Mikhailovich · 3 more...[sources]
Other nameARTEM IAMSHCHIKOV · ARTEM MIKHAYLOVICH YAMSHCHIKOV · Artem Iamshchikov · Artem Mikhaylovich Yamshchikov · Артем Михайлович ЯМЩИКОВ · 1 more...[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Place of birthIrkutsk, former USSR (now Russian Federation)[sources]
First nameARTEM MIKHAILOVICH · Artem · Artem Mikhaylovich · АРТЕМ · Артем · 1 more...[sources]
Last nameIamshchikov · YAMSHCHIKOV · Yamshchikov · ЯМЩИКОВ[sources]
Middle nameMikhailovich · Mikhaylovich[sources]
PatronymicMikhaylovich · МИХАЙЛОВИЧ · Михайлович[sources]
Registration number381000781179 · VGDRZ9HQB118[sources]
Tax Number381000781179[sources]
Unique Entity IDVGDRZ9HQB118[sources]
PositionBusinessperson · Homme d'affaires · homme d’affaires[sources]
Source · ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Artem Yamshchikov is the owner and General Director of OOO TSK Vektor, a company within the Russian military-industrial complex. OOO TSK Vektor has acted as an intermediary between IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of Russian state-owned arms company Almaz-Antey, and Chinese suppliers manufacturing long-range attack drones of the type Garpiya-3 (G3), which are developed and produced for use in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In particular, OOO TSK Vektor has received components from Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd and Juhang Aviation Technology Shenzhen Co. Limited, including parts from Xiamen Limbach, a Chinese entity producing L550 drone engines. Therefore, Artem Yamshchikov is a natural person supporting materially actions which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Function: Businessperson

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Associated entities: IEMZ Kupol, OOO TSK Vektor (a.k.a. LLC TSK Vektor), Xiamen Limbach Engine Co., Ltd, Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Location: Irkutsk, former USSR (now Russian Federation)

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Associated entities: - IEMZ Kupol - OOO TSK Vektor (a.k.a. LLC TSK Vektor) - Xiamen Limbach Engine Co., Ltd - Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Corrigendum 2024/3183 (OJ L16122024) [corr. 07/02/2025-1]

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Artem Yamshchikov is the owner and General Director of OOO TSK Vektor, a company within the Russian military-industrial complex. OOO TSK Vektor has acted as an intermediary between IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of Russian state-owned arms company Almaz-Antey, and Chinese suppliers manufacturing long-range attack drones of the type Garpiya-3 (G3), which are developed and produced for use in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In particular, OOO TSK Vektor has received components from Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd and Juhang Aviation Technology Shenzhen Co. Limited, including parts from Xiamen Limbach, a Chinese entity producing L550 drone engines. Therefore, Artem Yamshchikov is a natural person supporting materially actions which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

EU Council Official Journal Sanctioned Entities,

Associated entities: - IEMZ Kupol - OOO TSK Vektor (a.k.a. LLC TSK Vektor) - Xiamen Limbach Engine Co., Ltd - Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd - OOO Torgovyi Dom Vektor (INN: 3808184570)

EU Consolidated Travel Bans,

Numéro d'enregistrement: 381000781179 - Localisation: Irkoutsk, ex-URSS (aujourd'hui Fédération de Russie)- Entités associées: — IEMZ Kupol — OOO TSK Vektor (autrement connue sous le nom LLC TSK Vektor) — Xiamen Limbach Engine Co., Ltd — Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd — Artem Yamshchikov est propriétaire et directeur général d'OOO TSK Vektor, une société du complexe militaro-industriel russe. OOO TSK Vektor a agi en tant qu'intermédiaire entre IEMZ Kupol, une filiale de l'entreprise publique russe de fabrication d'armes Almaz-Antey, et des fournisseurs chinois fabriquant des drones d'attaque à longue portée de type Garpiya-3 (G3), qui sont développés et produits pour être utilisés dans la guerre d'agression menée par la Russie contre l'Ukraine. En particulier, OOO TSK Vektor a reçu des composants de Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd et de Juhang Aviation Technology Shenzhen Co. Limited, y compris des pièces de Xiamen Limbach, une entité chinoise produisant des moteurs L550 pour drones. Par conséquent, Artem Yamshchikov est une personne physique qui apporte un soutien matériel à des actions qui compromettent ou menacent l'intégrité territoriale, la souveraineté et l'indépendance de l'Ukraine.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Numéro d’enregistrement: 381000781179 Localisation: Irkoutsk, Russie Entités associées: - IEMZ Kupol - OOO TSK Vektor (autrement connue sous le nom LLC TSK Vektor) - Xiamen Limbach Engine Co., Ltd - Redlepus TSK Vektor Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

Monaco National Fund Freezing List,


Data sources

French National Asset Freezing System5,263

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,554

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,717

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,845

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

EU Council Official Journal Sanctioned Entities1,096

Supplemental list of people, companies, and organizations sanctioned for involvement in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

European Union · Council

US SAM Procurement Exclusions118,184

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,242

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,303

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,170

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

External databases

The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:

Russian Unified State Register of Legal Entities (as at Jan 1, 2022)176,478

Companies database of the Russian Federation as maintained and published by the Federal Tax Service.

External dataset · Russia · FNS

Source data IDs: eu-oj-4ccd24623202c0759e1641a56a8abad38488097a · fr-ga-named-artem-mikhaylovich-yamshchikov · eu-oj-c15a2defc748537a8d9efbbdea2d08621e7b249b · eu-fsf-eu-12587-91 · ru-inn-381000781179 · ofac-51211 · mc-freezes-50a62920535bcd5c5adc2fce345e767af5647a23 · usgsa-s4mrtx961 · ch-seco-86933 · eu-tb-logical-171538 · fr-ga-7839

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