Type | Company | [sources] | |||
Name | DF VTS-Broker LLC · VTS Broker LLC | [sources] | |||
Incorporation date | not available | [sources] | |||
Legal form | shipping company | [sources] | |||
Jurisdiction | not available | [sources] | |||
Country | Russia | [sources] | |||
IMO Number | IMO5122966 | [sources] | |||
Registration number | not available | [sources] | |||
Sector | compagnie maritime | [sources] | |||
Address | Bureau 19, ul. Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, 414015 · Bureau 19, ul. Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, 414015, Russie · Office 19, ul Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 414015 · Office 19, ul Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414015 | [sources] | |||
Source link | eur-lex.europa.eu · gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
VTS Broker LLC is a Russian shipping company whose vessels are involved in shipping Iranian military-related commodities, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) components, to Russia. VTS Broker LLC’s vessels, including the cargo ship Musa Jalil (IMO: 8846814; MMSI: 273353660), have been transporting Iranian-made weapons and ammunition, including UAV components, across the Caspian Sea to resupply Russian troops fighting in Ukraine. Therefore, VTS Broker LLC is involved in transferring Iran’s UAVs or missiles or related technologies or components thereof to Russia in support of its war of aggression against Ukraine.
Registration number: IMO 5122966
a Russian shipping company
Type of entity: shipping company Registration number: IMO 5122966 One of its vessels is the cargo ship Musa Jalil (IMO: 8846814; MMSI: 273353660)
Address: Office 19, ul Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, 414015, Russia Type of entity: shipping company Registration number: IMO 5122966
VTS Broker LLC est une compagnie maritime russe dont les navires sont impliqués dans l’acheminement vers la Russie de marchandises iraniennes à caractère militaire, y compris des composants de véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAV). Les navires de VTS Broker LLC, parmi lesquels figurent le navire de charge Musa Jalil (OMI: 8846814; MMSI: 273353660), ont transporté des armes et des munitions de fabrication iranienne, y compris des composants d’UAV, par la mer Caspienne afin de réapprovisionner les troupes russes combattant en Ukraine. Par conséquent, VTS Broker LLC est impliquée dans le transfert vers la Russie d’UAV ou de missiles ou de technologies ou composants connexes iraniens, en soutien à la guerre d’agression que ce pays mène contre l’Ukraine.
Type d’entité: compagnie maritime Numéro d’enregistrement: OMI 5122966
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
The EU Sanctions Map is a visualisation of EU sanctions policy. It includes a broader set of policies and entities than the EU consolidated sanctions list.
European Union · Council
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
Sponsors and accomplices of Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.
Ukraine · GUR
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
Supplemental list of people, companies, and organizations sanctioned for involvement in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
European Union · Council
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
· eu-fsf-eu-12294-36
· eu-sancmap-681fb3460c341edfecec939e433bac05a1c201bd
· eu-oj-4cd0fc96c835f0836f15c4251273a82240e08e63
· ch-seco-81202
· mc-freezes-48c1032c5aedbb72cde4886a18551a088615aa0c
· ua-ws-f3daa8c790f0764e5bd01e9f43d9e99bf69edd3c
For experts: raw data explorer
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.
Address | ||
Full address | Country | |
Office 19, ul Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 414015 · Office 19, ul Dzerzhinskogo, 72B, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414015 | Russia |
Assets and shares | ||||
Asset | Percentage held | Start date | End date | |
Musa Jalil Sanctioned entity | - | - |
Linked from | ||||
Subject | Role | Start date | End date | |
Musa Jalil Sanctioned entity | Ship Safety Management Manager | - | ||
Musa Jalil Sanctioned entity | Commercial ship manager | - |