Type | Person | [sources] | |||
Name | MYO MYINT OO · Myo Myint Oo · OO, Myo Myint | [sources] | |||
Birth date | [sources] | ||||
Place of birth | Myanmar/Birmanie · Yangon, Burma | [sources] | |||
Gender | male | [sources] | |||
Nationality | Myanmar (Burma) | [sources] | |||
Country | Myanmar (Burma) | [sources] | |||
Country of birth | Myanmar (Burma) | [sources] | |||
First name | MYO MYINT · Myo · Myo Myint | [sources] | |||
ID Number | 12DAGATA024453 | [sources] | |||
Keywords | National government | [sources] | |||
Last name | MYO MYINT OO · Myo Myint Oo · OO · Oo | [sources] | |||
Middle name | Myint | [sources] | |||
Passport number | DM002422 | [sources] | |||
Registration number | Y2A7PWG3HBG4 | [sources] | |||
Unique Entity ID | Y2A7PWG3HBG4 | [sources] | |||
Wikidata ID | Q114849621 | [sources] | |||
Position | Minister of Energy (2022-) · Ministre de l'énergie de l'Union du Myanmar · Ministre de l’énergie de l’Union · Union (Myanmar) Minister for Energy since 5 August 2022 · Union Minister of Energy | [sources] | |||
Source link | gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise and Myanmar Petroleum Enterprise are falling under the authority of the Minister for Energy
Myo Myint Oo has been the Union Minister for Energy since 5 Aug 2022. As Government Minister, he forms part of the military regime. As Minister for Energy, he is in charge of enabling the investment and cooperation with foreign partners in the oil and gas sectors, which creates revenue for the SAC, thereby contributing to securing the financial needs of the military regime and to importing aviation fuel for the military which enables the military airstrikes against civilians. He is therefore a natural person whose actions, policies or activities undermine democracy or the rule of law in Myanmar/Burma, or who engages in, or provides support for, actions that threaten the peace, security or stability of Myanmar/Burma. Under his authority, EU-listed entity Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) generates revenue for the EU-listed State Administration Council (SAC) and Myanmar Petroleum Enterprise, which is engaged in the import and distribution of aviation fuel including for fighter jets and other military aircraft.
Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise and Myanmar Petroleum Enterprise are falling under the authority of the Minister for Energy
Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise and Myanmar Petroleum Enterprise are falling under the authority of the Minister for Energy
Myo Myint Oo est ministre de l’énergie de l’Union du Myanmar depuis le 5 août 2022. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il fait partie du régime militaire. Sous son autorité, la Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), entité inscrite sur la liste de l’UE, génère des recettes pour le Conseil d’administration de l’État (SAC), entité inscrite sur la liste de l’UE, et la Myanmar Petroleum Enterprise, qui importe et distribue du carburant d’aviation, y compris pour les avions de combat et d’autres aéronefs militaires. En tant que ministre de l’énergie, il est chargé de rendre possibles les investissements et la coopération avec les partenaires étrangers dans les secteurs du pétrole et du gaz, ce qui génère des recettes pour le SAC, contribuant ainsi à satisfaire les besoins financiers du régime militaire et à importer du carburant d’aviation pour l’armée servant à des frappes aériennes militaires contre des civils. Il est donc une personne physique dont les actions, les politiques ou les activités compromettent la démocratie ou l’état de droit au Myanmar/en Birmanie, ou qui mène ou soutient des actions qui menacent la paix, la sécurité ou la stabilité au Myanmar/en Birmanie.
politician in Myanmar
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
Category-based imports from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.
Wikidata · non-official source
Sanctions imposed by Canada on specific countries, organizations, or individuals under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and JVCFOA
Canada · Global Affairs Canada
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
Profiles of politically exposed persons from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.
Wikidata · non-official source
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.
United States · ITA
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.
United States · GSA
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.
United States · OFAC
Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.
European Union · Council
The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:
Wikidata is the structured data project of the Wikipedia community, providing fact-based information edited by humans and machines
External dataset · Wikidata · non-official source
· eu-fsf-eu-9601-31
· ca-sema-19817ce04d0dd040c49b9c9f3309d50d76152e0a
· usgsa-s4mrpc2zg
· NK-8ke3cPoDXLSj7wA7nk34JJ
· mc-freezes-653cf58fac181232af23b410cba534ad740f38c6
· us-cia-burma-myo-myint-oo-minister-of-energy
· fr-ga-6385
· ofac-40596
· ca-sema-2-82-mm-myo-myint-oo
· ch-seco-60173
For experts: raw data explorer
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.
Identifications | |||||
Document number | Country | Type | Start date | End date | |
12DAGATA024453 | Myanmar (Burma) | National ID No. | - | - | |
DM002422 | Myanmar (Burma) | Passport |
Positions held | |||
Position occupied | Start date | End date | |
Minister of Energy | - | ||
Minister of Energy | - |