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علي توفيق الأسد

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Nameعلي توفيق الأسد[sources]
Other nameعلي الأسد[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
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KeywordsIrregular armed forces · Miles for the system · Shabiha · القوات المسلحة غير النظامية · شبيحة · 1 more...[sources]
SummaryIbn Tawfiq bin Ismail al-Assad. Killed in the city of gain 2014 in the same operation in which the lion and his companions were killed. His wife Iman and his son was named Rifat · ابن توفيق بن اسماعيل الأسد. قتل في مدينة كسب 2014 في ذات العملية التي قتل فيها هلال الأسد ومرافقوه. زوجته إيمان ولديه ابن منها اسمه رفعت[sources]
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ابن توفيق بن اسماعيل الأسد. قتل في مدينة كسب 2014 في ذات العملية التي قتل فيها هلال الأسد ومرافقوه. زوجته إيمان ولديه ابن منها اسمه رفعت. بحسب العربية فإنه قتل في مدينة كسب في ذات العملية التي قتل فيها هلال الأسد ومرافقوه. زوجته إيمان ولديه ابن منها اسمه رفعت (تولد ١٩٩١)

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

Ibn Tawfiq bin Ismail al-Assad. Killed in the city of gain 2014 in the same operation in which the lion and his companions were killed. His wife Iman and his son was named. According to Arab, he was killed in a gain in the same process, which was killed by Hilal Assad and his companions. His wife Iman and his son was named (generated 1991)

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

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