Canonical ID: Q118583430
· Entity type: Person
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Person:position | Former Member of the ‘National Council’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Former chairman of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’ and former commander of “Don battalion” Former Deputy Chairman of the DPR National Assembly Committee on Industry and Trade. | eng | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-4016-83 | |||
Person:position | член «національної ради» так званої «ДНР» | ukr | ua_nsdc_sanctions | ua-nsdc-13955-orlov-evgenij-v-aceslavovic | |||
Person:position | член так званої «національної ради ДНР» | ukr | ua_nsdc_sanctions | ua-nsdc-13955-orlov-evgenij-v-aceslavovic | |||
Person:position | Former Member of the ‘National Council’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Former chairman of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’ and former commander of “Don battalion” Former Deputy Chairman of the DPR National Assembly Committee on Industry and Trade. | eu_travel_bans | eu-tb-logical-7530 | ||||
Person:position | 「ドネツク人民共和国議会議員」(自称) | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-77aaeab378e7b4016e60c6b4d94c7c0f961a72be | |||
Person:position | Self-proclaimed “Member of National Council of Donetsk People’s Republic” | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-77aaeab378e7b4016e60c6b4d94c7c0f961a72be | |||
Person:position | Member of the "National Council" of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic."|Chairman of the public movement "Free Donbas" | eng | gb_fcdo_sanctions | gb-fcdo-rus0044 | |||
Person:position | Ancien commandant du “bataillon du Don” | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1151 | |||
Person:position | Ancien membre du “Conseil national” de la soi-disant “République populaire de Donetsk” | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1151 | |||
Person:position | Ancien vice-président de la commission de l’industrie et du commerce de l’Assemblée nationale de la “République populaire de Donetsk” | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1151 | |||
Person:position | Ancien président du mouvement public “Donbass libre” | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1151 | |||
Person:position | Former Member of the ‘National Council’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Former chairman of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’ and former commander of “Don battalion” Former Deputy Chairman of the DPR National Assembly Committee on Industry and Trade. | eng | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-4016-83 | |||
Person:position | Member of the "National Council" of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic." | eng | gb_hmt_sanctions | gb-hmt-13181 |