Statements: Uladzimir Uladzimiravich Navumau

Canonical ID: Q2468480 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionformer Minister of Internal Affairs; former Head of the President’s Security Serviceeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3479-37
Person:positionformer Minister of Internal Affairs; former Head of the President’s Security Servicebe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3479-37
Person:positionMinister of the Interiorengus_ofac_sdnofac-9898
Person:positionformer Minister of Internal Affairs; former Head of the President’s Security Serviceeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-3413
Person:positionFormer Minister of the Interior of Belarus, 2000-09gb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-bel0001
Person:positionAncien ministre de l'intérieurfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1571
Person:positionAncien chef du service de sécurité du présidentfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1571
Person:positionAncien ministre de l'intérieur, Ancien chef du service de sécurité du présidentmc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-042a35800347b9ee9d78cee9dc4e24a9cfae8f4c
Person:positionMinister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (2000-2009)engwikidataQ2468480
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