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Ali Khalili

Sanctioned entity
NameAli KHALILI · Ali Khalili · Khalili Ali[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
First nameAli[sources]
Last nameKHALILI · Khalili[sources]
PositionChairman of the Technical Committee of Sarollah Base · Commandant de l'IRGC : occupant une fonction de premier plan au sein de la base Sarollah · IRGC General · IRGC General, in a senior role within the Sarollah Base.[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


IRGC General, in a senior role within the Sarollah Base. He signed a letter sent to the Ministry of Health Jun 26, 2009 forbidding the submission of documents or medical records to anyone injured or hospitalized during post-elections events.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Signataire d'une lettre adressée au ministère de la santé le 26 juin 2009 interdisant la transmission de documents ou de dossiers médicaux à toute personne blessée ou hospitalisée pendant les événements qui ont suivi l'élection

French National Asset Freezing System,


Data sources

French National Asset Freezing System5,271

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

UK FCDO Sanctions List4,765

UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

United Kingdom · FCDO

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,703

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets6,295

The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.

United Kingdom · OFSI

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,171

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,230

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,541

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Source data IDs: gb-fcdo-irn0011 · mc-freezes-c0e49d92d4258eafca11e09c22a596355ee8d6c8 · eu-tb-logical-6212 · gb-hmt-11782 · fr-ga-1011 · eu-fsf-eu-2496-46 · ch-seco-13096

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