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Rahmatullah Shah Nawaz

Terrorism · Sanctioned entity
NameKARI RAHMAT · Kari Rahmat · QARI RAHMAT · Qari Rahmat · RAHMAT, Qari · 7 more...[sources]
Other nameKari RAHMAT · Kari Rahmat · QARI RAHMAT · Qari RAHMAT · Qari Rahmat · 6 more...[sources]
Weak aliasKari Rahmat · Qari Rahmat · カリ・ラフマット · カリ・ラフマット(以前のリスト記載ぶり)[sources]
Birth date · [sources]
Place of birthShadal (Shadaal) Bazaar, Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan · Shadal (Shadaal) Bazaar, district de Achin, province de Nangarhar : AFGHANISTAN · Shadal (variant Shadaal) Bazaar, Achin District, Nangarhar Province · Shadal (variant Shadaal) Bazaar, Achin District, Nangarhar Province Afghanistan · Shadal (variant Shadaal) Bazaar, Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan · 3 more...[sources]
Country of birthAfghanistan[sources]
First nameKARI · Kari · Kari Rahmat · Qari · Qari Rahmat (previously listed as) · 4 more...[sources]
PatronymicShah Nawaz[sources]
Previous nameQari Rahmat[sources]
Second nameSHAH NAWAZ · شاه نواز[sources]
TitleAlhaj · アル・ハッジ[sources]
PositionAlhaj · alhaj[sources]
AddressBatan village, Achin District, Nangarhar Province · Batan village, Achin District, Nangarhar Province Afghanistan, Kamkai Village, Achin District Nangarhar Province Afghanistan, Surkhel village, Achin District, Nangarhar Province Afghanistan · Batan village, Achin District, Nangarhar Province, AFGHANISTAN · Batan village, Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan · Batan village, Afghanistan · 18 more...[sources]
Source ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.

Argentina RePET Sanctions,

Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Title: Alhaj

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List,

Eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe.

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Qari Rahmat was listed on 21 Aug 2014 pursuant to paragraph 2 of resolution 2160 (2014) for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of”, “supplying, selling or transferring arms and related materiel to” as well as “recruiting for” and “otherwise supporting acts or activities of those designated and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with the Taliban in constituting a threat to the peace, stability and security of Afghanistan”. Physical description: eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi subtribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of Apr 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

In early 2013, Rahmat served as a Taliban commander in the Shadaal Bazaar area of Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. Rahmat directed the activities of approximately 300 Taliban operatives in Achin District and provided operational guidance and weapons to these operatives. In late 2012, Rahmat led an attack on Afghan forces in Kot District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. As of mid-2012, Rahmat served under the Taliban shadow district chief for Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. During this time, Rahmat was a Taliban facilitator who emplaced improvised explosive devices and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

As of early 2013, Rahmat collected taxes on behalf of the Taliban from drug traffickers based in the Shadaal Bazaar, Achin District, Nangarhar Province. As of mid-2012, Rahmat was in charge of collecting taxes from narcotics traffickers for the Taliban.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Rahmat provides intelligence information to the Taliban. As of early 2013, Rahmat provided his Taliban superiors with information on the activities of Afghan government officials and Afghan security forces in Achin District, Nangarhar Province. Rahmat gathered intelligence for the Taliban from Afghan Government employees as of mid-2012 and also conducted investigations to expose ISAF and Afghan Government informants for the benefit of the Taliban.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Rahmat has also provided lethal aid, housing, and guidance to Taliban fighters. As of late 2012, Rahmat provided rocket-propelled grenades, PKM light machine guns and AK-47 assault rifles to the Taliban. Rahmat also sheltered Taliban fighters at his guest house and provided tactical guidance to Taliban fighters during this period. As of late 2011, Rahmat had a guest house in Achin District where Taliban members often stayed.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe.

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe.

EU Consolidated Travel Bans,

Renseignements divers: signalement: couleur des yeux: marron; couleur des cheveux: noir; poids: 77 à 81 kg; taille: 178 cm; barbe noire plus ou moins longue, cheveux noirs courts. Membre de la tribu Shinwari, sous-tribu Sepahi. Commandant Taliban depuis au moins février 2010. En avril 2015, collecte des impôts et des pots-de-vin pour le compte des Taliban. Traite avec des agents Taliban dans la province de Nangarhar, Afghanistan, fournit aux Taliban des informations, des conseils, des logements et des armes, a posé des engins explosifs improvisés (EEI) et mené des attaques contre la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (FIAS) et contre les forces afghanes. Impliqué dans le trafic de drogue, dirige un laboratoire de production d'héroïne dans le village d'Abdulkhel, district d'Achin, province de Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Renseignements complémentaires : Commandant du mouvement des Taliban depuis au moins février 2010, Qari Rahmat exerçait ces fonctions dans la zone du bazar de Chadal du district d'Achin dans la province de Nangarhar (Afghanistan) au début de 2013. Il avait sous ses ordres environ 300 Taliban, auxquels il fournissait des directives opérationnelles et des armes. À la fin de 2012, il a conduit une attaque contre les forces afghanes dans le district de Kot de la province de Nangarhar (Afghanistan). Mi-2012, il servait sous les ordres du chef de district institué par les Taliban à Achin, dans la province de Nangarhar (Afghanistan). À cette période, Rahmat a placé des engins explosifs improvisés et conduit des attaques contre la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité et les forces afghanes pour le compte des Taliban. Rahmat collecte également impôts et pots-de-vin pour leur compte: au début de 2013, il collectait des impôts auprès de trafiquants de drogue qui sévissaient dans le bazar de Chadal du district d'Achin (province de Nangarhar). Mi-2012, il avait été chargé de percevoir auprès des trafiquants de stupéfiants les impôts prélevés par les Taliban. Rahmat fournit des renseignements aux Taliban. Au début de 2013, il a communiqué à ses supérieurs des informations sur les activités que menaient de hauts fonctionnaires afghans et les forces de sécurité afghanes dans le district d'Achin (province de Nangarhar). Mi-2012, il a recueilli pour eux des renseignements auprès de fonctionnaires afghans et mené des enquêtes visant à démasquer les informateurs de la Force internationale et du gouvernement afghan. Rahmat a également procuré des armes et un logement et donné des directives aux combattants taliban. À la fin de 2012, il leur a fourni des grenades à tube, des fusils-mitrailleurs PKM et des fusils d'assaut AK-47. À cette période, il a également accueilli des combattants taliban dans sa résidence secondaire, auxquels il a donné des conseils tactiques. À la fin de 2011, il possédait dans le district d'Achin une résidence secondaire où il accueillait régulièrement des Taliban.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals click here

UK FCDO Sanctions List,

Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals click here

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets,

Seorang komandan Taliban sejak Februari 2010. Mengumpulkan pajak dan suap atas nama Taliban. Menyediakan koperasi Taliban di Provinsi Nangarhar, Afganistan, dengan informasi, bimbingan, perumahan dan senjata dan telah membuat alat peledak IED dan melakukan serangan terhadap Pasukan Bantuan Keamanan Internasional (ISAF) dan pasukan Afganistan;

Indonesian List of Suspected Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations,

身体的描写:茶色の目,黒色の髪の毛,体重は77~81kg、身長は178㎝、あごひげの長さは短いか中程度で、黒色の短髪。Shinwari部族のSepahi支部族に属する。少なくとも2010年2月以来タリバーン司令官。2015年4月時点で、タリバーンを代表して税金や賄賂を収集。アフガニスタンのNangarhar Provinceにいるタリバーン工作員と連絡をとり、情報、指図、住居及び武器を提供し、簡易爆発物(IED)の設置や、国際治安支援部隊(ISAF)及びアフガン部隊に対する攻撃指揮を行っている。麻薬の密輸やアフガニスタンのNangarhar Province, Achin District, Abudulkhel village所在のヘロイン製造所の活動に関与。

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People,

Adresse : AFGHANISTAN : Village de Kamkai, district d'Achin, province de Nangarhar, AFGHANISTAN : Village de Surkhel, district d'Achin, province de Nangarhar, AFGHANISTAN : Village de Batan, district d'Achin, province de Nangarhar

Monaco National Fund Freezing List,

Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions,

Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour: black, weight: 77-81 kg, height: 178 cm short-to-medium black beard, short black hair. Belongs to Shinwari tribe, Sepahi sub-tribe. A Taliban commander since at least Feb. 2010. Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban as of April 2015. Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Involved in drug trafficking and operates heroin laboratory in Abdulkhel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions,


Data sources

Polish Sanctions Countering Money Laundering and Terror Financing484

Sanctions by Polish Ministry of Finance countering money laundering and terror financing, as well as UN Security Council resolutions 2253 and 1988

Poland · GIIF

Indonesian List of Suspected Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations536

A list of suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations as determined by the Central Jakarta District Court.

Indonesia · PPATK

Ukraine SFMS Blacklist866

Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.

Ukraine · SFMS

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,170

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

Israel Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations lists941

Terrorist organizations and individuals as designated by the Israeli government

Israel · NBCTF

UK FCDO Sanctions List4,793

UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

United Kingdom · FCDO

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,662

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

Qatar Unified Record of Persons and Entities on Sanction List706

This dataset contains both UN-mandated and the national sanctions designations for Qatar (Targeted Financial Sanctions).

Qatar · NCTC

Moldovan Sanctions for Terrorism and Proliferation of WMD697

Sanctions on persons and entities involved in terrorist activities and the proliferation of weapons of masss destruction

Moldova · CAS-SIS

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,303

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,554

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,601

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Argentina RePET Sanctions727

Public Registry of Persons and Entities linked to acts of Terrorism and their Financing

Argentina · MdJ

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions1,234

The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.


Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,260

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

Türkiye Asset Freezing Sanctions List (MASAK)2,259

Individuals, entities, and organizations whose assets are frozen by the Republic of Türkiye based on United Nations Security Council resolutions, requests from foreign countries, domestic decisions, and efforts to counter the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Türkiye · MASAK

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets6,322

The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.

United Kingdom · OFSI

French National Asset Freezing System5,263

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,717

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions873

The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.

South Africa · FIC

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,845

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

US SAM Procurement Exclusions118,184

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,242

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

Source data IDs: id-dttot-63ecb68f095308d15e7cdde7043792e6b2e1175e · fr-ga-3345 · NK-UP3odvUw8U24vwvnSjLWPc · au-dfat-2954-rahmatullah-shah-nawaz · ua-sfms-1257 · ja-mof-2d65372c6a70f0fd8fde74b2a6d059198beab96f · zafic-618 · md-terr-97e3082e96c1952bb2684e77a699da30624940be · md-terr-075ca5dd383e37ee1764552076b1c5420507aa09 · gb-fcdo-afg0138 · ch-seco-28861 · id-dttot-5ac5e8e689a79f31dd0342e41a38eccf3b6199bd · ofac-17152 · unsc-6908406 · il-nbctf-b5bf975acace535dfc2556bda39c7153ec80fab4 · gb-hmt-13090 · NK-TxHpbp2FfLgxRBXfqZL3mi · usgsa-s4mr4gjxm · arpet-personas-6908406 · zafic-618-rahmatullah-shah-nawaz · eu-tb-logical-7491 · mc-freezes-113bef130d9f03672204ce963841cde2c54532c0 · fr-ga-7705 · id-dttot-80ad8ae27f1fd75e24b0feed0d531ddf22ad2e72 · eu-fsf-eu-3713-39 · qa-nctc-6908406-rahmatullah-shah-nawaz

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