Type | Company | [sources] | |||
Weak alias | : · AQI · Al Hayat · Al-Nusra Front · Al-Nusrah Front · | [sources] | |||
Incorporation date | not available | [sources] | |||
Jurisdiction | Iraq | [sources] | |||
Country | Iraq · Syria | [sources] | |||
PermID | 5086730743 | [sources] | |||
Registration number | not available | [sources] | |||
Unique Entity ID | C1J4DSU5YMC5 · CH7NSNFV9LS4 · CTGHYCX4LVL5 · CVLFSAD8A464 · CX2LD5N1R7P6 · | [sources] | |||
Status | Active | [sources] | |||
Address | Iraq · Iraq (Support network · Iraq (Support network) · Operates in Syria · Operates in Syrian Arab Republic, Support network Iraq · | [sources] | |||
Source link | www.publicsafety.gc.ca · gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · permid.org · sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov · | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021.
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020.
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020.
Formerly listed under the primary name ‘Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant’ and ‘Al-Nusrah Front’. Also listed for United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida sanctions on 14 May 2014.
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021.
Also listed for United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida sanctions as an alias of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant.
Other information: (a) Operates in Syrian Arab Republic; (b) Iraq; (c) Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq. Date of designation referred to in Article 7d(2)(i): 14.5.2014.
Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is an Islamist group in Syria whose purported primary objectives are overthrowing President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria followed by the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law. In July 2016, Jabhat Al-Nursa (JN), an Al Qaida affiliated Sunni militant Islamist group in Syria, changed its name to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS). Six months later, in January 2017, JFS and four smaller groups issued a statement announcing their dissolution in favour of merging under a single group known as HTS. JN, which is now part of HTS, has claimed responsibility for nearly 600 attacks – such as ambushes, kidnappings, assassinations, Improvised Explosive Device attacks and suicide bombings – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. In March 2017, 2 HTS suicide bombers attacked Damascus, killing at least 74 people, including 8 children. More recently, on December 21, 2019, HTS claimed killing 30 Syrian regime troops in a suicide bombing in Raffa, a town in the southeast of Idlib governorate.
The Islamic State is a Sunni jihadist group that seeks to sow civil unrest in Iraq and the Levant with the aim of establishing a single, transnational Islamic state based on Sharia Law, replacing the Iraqi and Syrian governments. The group was originally created in Jordan in the early 1990s under the name Bayat al Imam. The group associated with Al Qaida Core's senior leadership in 1999 and fought alongside Al Qaida Core and the Taliban during the US strikes in Afghanistan in late 2001. The group then transferred to Iraq in anticipation of the US -led invasion, and, in October 2004, formally renamed itself "Al Qaida in Iraq" (AQI). The group has also operated under the name of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). In 2013, the group renamed itself the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL). In June 2014, the group renamed itself "Islamic State". The Islamic State's tactics include suicide attacks using vehicles and improvised explosive devices, armed attacks, hostage takings, and video-taped beheadings. In June and August 2017, IS claimed responsibility for three vehicular ramming attacks in the UK and Spain. These attacks killed at least 27 people, including two Canadians. In July 2021, a bomb killed at least 35 civilians and wounded at least 60 others at Al-Wuhailat market in the Sadr City area of Baghdad, Iraq. The attack targeted a Shia majority neighbourhood on the eve of the Eid Al-Adha holiday. IS claimed responsibility for the attack and said it was a suicide bombing. In April 2023, IS militants killed at least 16 civilians and 10 security forces in Syria, and in February 2023 IS militants shot and killed at least 46 civilians and seven domestic military members. The militants carried out the attack when the civilians were harvesting truffles.
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 Nov 2020.
Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (SSID 10-17311). INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice available. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 Nov 2021.
Associated with Al-Qaida (SSID 10-17297). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (SSID 10-17311) and Asbat al-Ansar (SSID 10-17390) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in the Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (SSID 10-17311), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (SSID 10-14281) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (SSID 10-25538), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In Jan 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria.
Other information: (a) Operates in Syrian Arab Republic; (b) Iraq; (c) Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq. Date of designation referred to in Article 7d(2)(i): 14.5.2014.
opère en Syrie - Iraq -- précédemment inscrit sur la liste entre le 30/05/2013 et le 13/05/2014 en tant qu'alias d'Al-Qaida en Iraq. L’examen effectué conformément à la résolution 2368 (2017) du Conseil de sécurité a pris fin le 15 novembre 2021.
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2268 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/notice/search/une/5790822
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/notice/search/une/5278296
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021.
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010.
- Berafiliasi dengan Al-Qaida, beroperasi di Suriah dan mendukung jaringan di Irak; - Pada Januari 2017 Front Al-Nusra membentuk Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) untuk mendukung pemberontakan di Suriah; - Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant tercanatum dalam dalam Res. Dewan Keamanan PBB 1267 sejak 7 Juni 2017 dan diperbarui kembali pada 5 Juni 2018, serta dan diperbarui kembali pada 15 November 2021 termasuk pembentukan Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS);
国連安全保障理事会決議第1822号(2008年)に基づく見直しは2010年5月25日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2368号(2017年)に基づく見直しは2020年11月24日に終了した。同団体に対するインターポール(国際刑事警察機構)・国連安全保障理事会特別手配書のウェブ・リンク: View-UN-Notices-Entities
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020.
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021.
Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004). Brought Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. In January 2017, Al-Nusrah Front created Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as Al-Qaidas affiliate in Syria. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021.
Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 25 May 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020.
Sanctions by Polish Ministry of Finance countering money laundering and terror financing, as well as UN Security Council resolutions 2253 and 1988
Poland · GIIF
A combination of two lists of sanctioned individuals and entities published by the Financial Monitoring Agency of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan · AFM
The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.
United States · ITA
The United Kingdom's list of Proscribed Organizations under the Terrorism Act 2000
United Kingdom · Home Office
This dataset contains both UN-mandated and the national sanctions designations for Qatar (Targeted Financial Sanctions).
Qatar · NCTC
Individuals, entities, and organizations whose assets are frozen by the Republic of Türkiye based on United Nations Security Council resolutions, requests from foreign countries, domestic decisions, and efforts to counter the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Türkiye · MASAK
A list of suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations as determined by the Central Jakarta District Court.
Indonesia · PPATK
The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law
Australia · DFAT
The UAE's asset freeze list of individuals and legal entities that are suspected of, attempt to, or commit terrorist acts
United Arab Emirates · EOCN
Public Registry of Persons and Entities linked to acts of Terrorism and their Financing
Argentina · MdJ
Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.
Japan · MoF
Sanctions on persons and entities involved in terrorist activities and the proliferation of weapons of masss destruction
Moldova · CAS-SIS
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
A list of persons and companies sanctioned for involvement with terrorism financing released by the government in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria · OMNIO Compliance · non-official source
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.
United States · OFAC
Terrorist organizations and individuals as designated by the Israeli government
Israel · NBCTF
A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.
United States · GSA
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
The United Kingdom's consolidated international sanctions list.
United Kingdom · OFSI
UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Kingdom · FCDO
The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.
South Africa · FIC
List of banned organizations under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
India · MHA
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
The Malaysian Home Affairs list designates those found to be involved in acts of terrorism.
Malaysia · MOHA
The Canadian governments own list of people and organizations associated with terrorism
Canada · Public Safety Canada
Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.
Ukraine · SFMS
The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:
Permanent Identifier (PermID) is a reference data spine offered by LSEG/Refinitiv to help create unique identifiers for organizations that are publicly listed.
External dataset · LSEG · non-official source
· au-dfat-6715-hay-at-tahrir-al-sham
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yv
· usgsa-s4mr3p1np
· mc-freezes-bb15c0cbbd159c60a43b9c8a5974675a2024f75e
· usgsa-s4mr8gm0y
· usgsa-s4mr8gm10
· id-dttot-0affedafa1dfbba2f7b79def10cd37c78c360640
· usgsa-s4mr476x3
· id-dttot-4d8c937cf662dbd2df9006c5d17b9b48b729b56f
· usgsa-s4mr3p1ns
· usgsa-s4mr476wf
· usgsa-s4mr4f9qm
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nw
· eu-fsf-eu-1163-58
· usgsa-s4mr476wy
· usgsa-s4mr3rbrr
· in-mha-16c04817ad5398f8f23da052185421cc92f8003c
· ch-seco-17311
· usgsa-s4mr476wk
· usgsa-s4mr476wg
· gb-fcdo-aqd0026
· au-dfat-2672-al-nusrah-front-for-the-people-of-the-levant
· ae-lt-efa207f9797fbab94d1f04df91b5678a0f2199dd
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nq
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yl
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nx
· in-mha-7888fb558ec8e04a798c8d7f6c47782fc148f45a
· au-dfat-526-al-qaida-in-iraq
· ua-sfms-1237
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nv
· usgsa-s4mr476w9
· il-nbctf-97d1f99ed65cb8fc2f13b69ef108dd61a3e4c80b
· in-mha-a6c3bc7fc519702aa549ae4e87b43db81a91a6dd
· usgsa-s4mr4f9qh
· usgsa-s4mr4f9qk
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nk
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yn
· in-mha-dc94a145fd557aca94ee77dd9bfdd3fdb6275b7b
· NK-2T3S8Hu29ktYnKSTgQp2wL
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nj
· il-nbctf-9a845175e41cfe58cbe7f304e4cce33741290d46
· kzafm-af9417635748f54f27bf9a9cfec90665c9b0551c
· usgsa-s4mr3p1p1
· ja-mof-f1687635fe9d07e3f7b61f87fc2ffd46e1e9e27f
· unsc-6908429
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nz
· gb-fcdo-aqd0028
· kg-fiu-c91ed1b7b87956f9870f7a4416e886bca44cd908
· au-dfat-2585-jabhat-fatah-al-sham
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nt
· usgsa-s4mr4f9tb
· md-terr-933f95cd6d3e3a98d93b40f5c5228aa2de9e6320
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nl
· usgsa-s4mr476wz
· id-dttot-a9a7ce99beb18b0bb6d6b88f329faed94353d4d3
· permid-5086730743
· mymoha-group-kdn-k-3-2013
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yj
· zafic-31-al-qaida-in-iraq
· gb-hmt-12981
· omnio-60367caa845a5fccb85b342c8cc023a21de77096
· NK-ZxLcuRkbtWi7DUqL3mexVK
· ch-seco-27843
· qa-nctc-113966-al-qaida-in-iraq
· mc-freezes-df615044589b8440eb0e8f0446c72759c23bc407
· usgsa-s4mr476wb
· usgsa-s4mr4f9qf
· ofac-8759
· zafic-29-al-nusrah-front-for-the-people-of-the-levant
· usgsa-s4mr476wl
· usgsa-s4mr3pzsc
· qa-nctc-6908429-al-nusrah-front-for-the-people-of-the-levant
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yq
· NK-cg3Q2PQQsgzWJ6nvEQtBiN
· NK-XpmxvUtRht6tz9j4t66onx
· arpet-entidades-6908429
· NK-aervhiRjEFRLiS5i5oBHeb
· ja-mof-f056c513eec72d020bd02f02e9ce16b8bf065ef0
· usgsa-s4mr4f9t8
· ofac-16937
· usgsa-s4mr3p1bs
· unsc-113966
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nn
· NK-StD8gfGLNTo2KjPm8q6Lj7
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nr
· id-dttot-e4de43eb15846b2d4e56275eba8f61365e52a530
· fr-ga-2787
· usgsa-s4mr476x2
· arpet-entidades-113966
· mymoha-group-kdn-k-05-2014
· ca-lte-36-islamic-state
· il-nbctf-e366fc26c90065f3757823018f7257153a25e46b
· in-mha-f3efcb3abccc1c93edba4bdf53c7ca5f9b72a9f1
· ua-sfms-154
· usgsa-s4mr3p1ny
· il-nbctf-61184c9b02d84ac568a2d0dec0855e32e0383df7
· gb-hmt-8441
· usgsa-s4mr3p1p0
· usgsa-s4mr4f9yg
· NK-jmpyUgBCH52GHWt3Lv7Scp
· usgsa-s4mr8gm0z
· ca-lte-29-hay-at-tahrir-al-sham
· usgsa-s4mr3pzs4
· id-dttot-725b5a11167df66c644b98d1b003395844732cc1
· usgsa-s4mr3p1nm
· gb-proscribed-e29fc177d3364cbd2410b55151f37db6c3003765
· eu-fsf-eu-3802-38
· id-dttot-452d4bb93eda13ac2a3926937c850e2b3e97b2d3
· NK-Fcta3nBJmV8bWJHmYqi6WW
· usgsa-s4mr3p4zt
· kzafm-783797f9f0feba1f5733cd026f637c8ba901d13a
· md-terr-fbaa787530272ddc16bba11c9f9f11e54fd86bc4
· usgsa-s4mr4f9ys
· NK-RjcqzwC5vgAy8sLaiPM45m
For experts: raw data explorer
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.
Address | ||
Full address | Country | |
イラク(支援ネットワークあり) | - | |
a) Syrian Arab Republic (Operates in) | - | |
Iraq (Support network) | - | |
Syria | Syria | |
シリア・アラブ共和国(活動地) | - | |
Operates in Syria | - |
Agents | ||||
Agent | Role | Start date | End date | |
SALIM MUSTAFA MUHAMMAD AL-MANSUR Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
IYAD NAZMI SALIH KHALIL Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
ASHRAF AHMAD FARI' AL-'ALLAK Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
MUHAMMED REZA LAHAMAN KIRAM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Hussam Jamous Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Emraan Ali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
UMAR MAHMUD IRHAYYIM AL-KUBAYSI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Akhmed Rajapovich Chataev Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
BASSAM AHMAD AL-HASRI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Khaled Sharrouf Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Mostafa Mahamed Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Fared Saal Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Turki Mubarak Abdullah Ahmad al-Binali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Mohamad Rafi Bin Udin Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Abdul Jashari Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Ali Ahmidah al-Safrani Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Omar Alsheak Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Bachrumsyah Mennor Usman Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Muhammad Bahrum Naim Anggih Tamtomo Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
FAYSAL AHMAD BIN ALI AL-ZAHRANI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
OMAN ROCHMAN Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Islam Seit-Umarovich Atabiev Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
'Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman Al-Muhaysini Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Attallah Salman 'Abd Kafi AL-JABURI Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
MOHAMMED YUSIP KARIM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Ahmad Alkhald Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Abd al Hadi Zarqun Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Jamal Hussein Hassan Zeiniye Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Malik Ruslanovich Barkhanoev Crime · Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Wanted | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Mohamad Alsaied Alhmidan Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Muhammad Wanndy Bin Mohamed Jedi Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Neil Christopher Prakash Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Abu Yahya al-Iraqi Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - |
Directors | ||||
Director | Role | Start date | End date | |
Abdallah Makki Muslih al-Rufay'i Sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - | |
Arkan Ahmad 'Abbas Al-Matuti Sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - | |
QAHTAN NAWAF AHMAD ALWAN SADA Sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - | |
Adam Khamirzaev Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - | |
Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal-Rahman al-Salbi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - | |
Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-mainuki Sanctioned entity | Leader or official of | - | - |
Linked from | ||||
Subject | Role | Start date | End date | |
MUTHANNA HARITH SALMAN AL-DARI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
BASSAM AHMAD AL-HASRI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Jund Al Aqsa Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Eddie Aleong Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Zayd Gangat Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Faruq Hamud Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
HASAN AL-SALAHAYN SALIH AL-SHA'ARI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND THE LEVANT - KHORASAN (ISIL-K) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
‘ABD AL-RAHMAN KHALAF ‘UBAYD JUDAY’ AL-‘ANIZI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Islamic State In Iraq And the Levant In South-East Asia (ISIL-SEA, ISIL-South East Asia) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Profesyoneller Elektronik Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hajjaj Bin Fahd Al Ajmi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Jamal Hussein Hassan Zeiniye Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Tarkhan Tayumurazovich Batirashvili Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Al Haram Foreign Exchange Co. LTD Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ahmed Mubeen Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
SHAHEED, Yoosuf Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND THE LEVANT - YEMEN Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
AKRAM TURKI HISHAN AL-MAZIDIH Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ahmet Bayaltun Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Said Arif Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ABDUL MOHSEN ABDALLAH IBRAHIM AL CHAREKH Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Gulmurod Khalimov Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Muhammad Ibrohimjon Niyazov Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
KHATIBA AL-TAWHID WAL-JIHAD (KTJ) Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abdulla Ali Manik Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
KEVIN JORDAN AXEL GUIAVARCH Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Shafi Sultan Mohammed Al-Ajmi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ANJEM CHOUDARY Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ari Kardian Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ANSAR AL-ISLAM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Raed Muhammad Hasan Muhammad Hijazi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abdella Hussein Abadigga Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Emraan Ali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
SELSELAT AL-THAHAB Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
FAYSAL AHMAD BIN ALI AL-ZAHRANI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Faisal Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Malik Ruslanovich Barkhanoev Crime · Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Wanted | related-to | - | - | |
Farhad Hoomer Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Jaysh Khalid Ibn al Waleed Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
KHATIBA IMAM AL-BUKHARI (KIB) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Mohamed Mire Ali Yusuf Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hamid Hamad Hamid Al-'Ali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Osama Abdelmongy Abdalla Bakr Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hayat Ullah Ghulam Muhammad Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Sahloul Money Exchange Company Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
JAMAAT-UL-AHRAR (JuA) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Mohamed Naushad Shareef Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Tawasul Company Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Mohamad Rafi Bin Udin Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ali Musa Al-Shawakh Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Mohamed Inthif Rauf Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Mohamed Maathiu Abdul Razzaq Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ayrat Nasimovich Vakhitov Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ABDULHAMEED SALIM IBRAHIM ALISMAEEL Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Umar Akbar Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
SAKSOUK COMPANY FOR EXCHANGE AND MONEY TRANSFER Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
MOHAMMED YUSIP KARIM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abubakar Swalleh Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Shane Dominic Crawford Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Faris Mohamed Didi Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
MOHAMMED ABDULHAMEED SALIM AL-ISMAEEL Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
IYAD NAZMI SALIH KHALIL Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ashraf Muhammad Yusuf 'Uthman 'Abd Al-Salam Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ashraf Al-Qizani Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
'Abdallah Hadi 'Abd al-Rahman Fayhan Sharban al-'Anizi Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND THE LEVANT - LIBYA Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
'Adnan Muhammad Amin al-Rawi Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Jinaau Naseem Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ABDULPATTA ESCALON ABUBAKAR Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Tarad Mohammad Alnori Alfares Aljarba Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Mohamad Akbar Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Isnilon Totoni Hapilon Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Alexanda Amon Kotey Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ahmed Afraah Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hamma Hamani Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Yunus Emre Sakarya Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hussain Shamil Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
SARAH JAMAL MUHAMMAD AL-SAYYID Crime · Sanctioned entity · Wanted | Providing support to | - | - | |
ABDELRAHMAN MOUHAMAD ZAFIR AL DABIDI AL JAHANI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani Terrorism · Politician · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri Al-Samarrai Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE IN THE GREATER SAHARA(ISGS) Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Al-Hebo Jewelry Company Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Emilie Edwige Konig Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
THE ARMY OF EMIGRANTS AND SUPPORTERS Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Abd al-Muhsin Zabin Mutib Naif al-Mutayri Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE IN THE GREATER SAHARA (ISGS) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Husayn Juaythini Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
MYRNA AJIJUL MABANZA Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
MAYSAR ALI MUSA ABDALLAH AL-JUBURI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Hanifa Money Exchange Office Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Muhammad Sholeh Ibrahim Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Dwi Dahlia Susanti Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Salim Benghalem Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Siraaj Miller Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ameen Ahmed Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
JUND AL-KHILAFAH IN TUNISIA (JAK-T) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Tarak Ben Taher Ben Faleh Ouni Harzi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Waleed Ahmed Zein Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Murad Iraklievich Margoshvili Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ABOU MOHAMED AL ADNANI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Rudi Heryadi Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
HILAL AHMAR SOCIETY INDONESIA (HASI) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
LU'AY JASIM HAMMADI Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Mohamed Thasleem Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Morad Laaboudi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Muhammad Hadi 'Abd-al-Rahman Fayhan Sharban al-'Anzi Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Fared Saal Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Anas Hasan Khattab Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
'Abd Al-Rahman Bin 'Umayr Al-Nu'Aymi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Ismail Bayaltun Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Yunus Mohamad Akbar Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
FAWAZ MUHAMMAD JUBAYR AL-RAWI Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ibrahim Aleef Rauf Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Asbat Al-Ansar Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Mu'min al-Mawji Mahmud Salim Crime · Sanctioned entity · Wanted | Providing support to | - | - | |
HARAKAT SHAM AL-ISLAM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Olimkhon Makhmudjon Ugli Ismailov Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
SHAREEF ABDULLA Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ashraf Muhammad Yusuf 'Uthman 'Abd Al-Salam Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ISLAMIC STATE WEST AFRICA PROVINCE (ISWAP) Terrorism · Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ABDULPATTA ESCALON ABUBAKAR Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal-Rahman al-Salbi Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Hanifa Money Exchange Office Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Associate Of | - | - | |
SA'D BIN SA'D MUHAMMAD SHARIYAN AL-KA'BI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Associate Of | - | - | |
Hamid Hamad Hamid Al-'Ali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Muhammad Bahrum Naim Anggih Tamtomo Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ELSHAFEE EL SHEIKH Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
JAMAAH ANSHARUT DAULAH Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
OMAR ABDULHAMEED ALESMAIL Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Mohammad Ali Al Habbo Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
MUHAMMED REZA LAHAMAN KIRAM Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Hamidah Nabagala Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Al-Khalidi Exchange Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Nufael Akbar Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Turki Mubarak Abdullah Ahmad al-Binali Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
SELSELAT AL-THAHAB Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Ahmed Alif Rauf Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
ALI NIHAD Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Nusret Imamovic Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
ADNAN ABOU WALID AL-SAHRAOUI Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
THE ARMY OF EMIGRANTS AND SUPPORTERS Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Al Sultan Money Transfer Company Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
MOOSA ENAS Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Afaq Dubai Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Abd Al-Rahman Muhammad Mustafa Al-Qaduli Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
OMAN ROCHMAN Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Faruk Guzel Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Muhammadyusuf Alisher Ogli Mirzoev Sanctioned entity · Counter-sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Abd al-Malik Muhammad Yusuf Uthman Abd al Salam Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - |
Linked to | ||||
Object | Role | Start date | End date | |
Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri Al-Samarrai Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Al-Qaida Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - |