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Wagner Group

Person of interest · Sanctioned entity
NameAfrica Corps · ChVK Vagner · ChVK Wagner · Expeditionary Corps · Expeditionary and Volunteer Corps · 51 more...[sources]
Other nameAfrica Corps · ChVK Vagner · ChVK Wagner · Chastnaya Voennaya Kompaniya 'Vagner' · Chvk Vagner · 13 more...[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
Registration numberUARBDNN57QM4[sources]
Unique Entity IDUARBDNN57QM4[sources]
Wikidata IDQ36597284[sources]
Address15 Zolnaya Street, Saint Petersburg, 195213[sources]
Source · · ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Russia-based unincorporated private military entity

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

A Russia-based unincorporated private military entity, which was established in 2014. Associated individuals: Pavel Prigozhin; Mikhail Vatanin

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

an unincorporated private military entity

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Also designated pursuant to Regulation 2020/1998

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Wagner Group

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

The Wagner Group is a Russia-based unincorporated private military entity, which was established in 2014 as a successor organisation of the Slavonic Corps. It is led by Pavel Prigozhin and Mikhail Vatanin. Through the setting-up of local entities, and with the support of local governments, the Wagner Group finances and conducts its operations. The Wagner Group spearheaded the attacks against the Ukrainian towns of Soledar and Bakhmut in January 2023 and it is actively participating in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The Wagner Group is therefore responsible for supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Associated individuals: Pavel Prigozhin; Mikhail Vatanin

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Russia-based unincorporated private military entity

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Also designated pursuant to Regulation 2020/1998

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

A Russia-based unincorporated private military entity, which was established in 2014. Associated individuals: Pavel Prigozhin; Mikhail Vatanin

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Wagner Group

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

an unincorporated private military entity

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

The Wagner Group is a Russia-based unincorporated private military entity, which was established in 2014 as a successor organisation of the Slavonic Corps. Through the setting up of local entities, and with the support of local governments, the Wagner Group finances and conducts its operations. The Wagner Group is responsible for serious human rights abuses in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, the Central African Republic (CAR), Sudan, Mali and Mozambique, which include torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and killings.

EU Council Official Journal Sanctioned Entities,

Personnes associées: Pavel Prigozhin; Mikhaïl Vatanin - Le groupe Wagner est une entité militaire privée basée en Russie dépourvue de la personnalité juridique; il a été créé en 2014 pour succéder au Corps slave. Il est dirigé par Pavel Prigozhin et Mikhail Vatanin. Le groupe Wagner finance et mène ses opérations via la mise sur pied d’entités locales et avec le soutien des gouvernements locaux. Le groupe Wagner a été le fer de lance des attaques contre les villes ukrainiennes de Soledar et de Bakhmout en janvier 2023 et il participe activement à la guerre d’agression menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine. Le groupe Wagner est donc responsable du soutien matériel apporté aux actions qui compromettent ou menacent l’intégrité territoriale, la souveraineté et l’indépendance de l’Ukraine.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Le groupe Wagner est une entité militaire privée établie en Russie dépourvue de la personnalité juridique; il a été créé en 2014 pour succéder au Corps slave. Le groupe Wagner finance et mène ses opérations via la mise sur pied d’entités locales et avec le soutien des gouvernements locaux. Le groupe Wagner est responsable de graves atteintes aux droits de l’homme en Ukraine, en Syrie, en Libye, en République centrafricaine (RCA), au Soudan, au Mali et au Mozambique, dont des actes de torture et des exécutions et assassinats extrajudiciaires, sommaires ou arbitraires.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Personnes associées: Pavel Prigozhin; Mikhaïl Vatanin

Monaco National Fund Freezing List,


Data sources

New Zealand Russia Sanctions1,735

The New Zealand government's list of people and companies sanctioned in relation to the Russian attack on Ukraine.

New Zealand · MFAT

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,303

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

Canadian Consolidated Autonomous Sanctions List4,463

Sanctions imposed by Canada on specific countries, organizations, or individuals under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and JVCFOA

Canada · Global Affairs Canada

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,830

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,559

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,255

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,251

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

Wikidata Entities of Interest3,963

Persons of interest profiles from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.

Wikidata · non-official source

US SAM Procurement Exclusions113,546

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

French National Asset Freezing System5,285

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

UK FCDO Sanctions List4,789

UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

United Kingdom · FCDO

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets6,321

The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.

United Kingdom · OFSI

EU Council Official Journal Sanctioned Entities1,138

Supplemental list of people, companies, and organizations sanctioned for involvement in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

European Union · Council

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,719

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,664

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

Source data IDs: ca-sema-russia-1-part-2-88 · ch-seco-62081 · nz-ru-ent-25 · gb-hmt-16630 · eu-oj-a5b469fbd94a1ec67b818696f37e64812c211bc2 · gb-fcdo-lib0077 · mc-freezes-15ad6d5b460a51271a936d4f862590b4f08383fd · NK-H6KFgzmsrdgPgcDYkYKaqL · gb-fcdo-rus1090 · ua-nabc-company-18-private-military-company-wagner-wagner-group · ja-mof-34518ec6b580ce83467c051ab743da72b77ecf55 · eu-fsf-eu-6778-46 · usgsa-s4mr6hn16 · fr-ga-3740 · eu-fsf-eu-9992-69 · NK-btHKqUDHxWCivn2CetwtvF · ca-sema-1-part-2-88-ru-wagner · trade-csl-12f6df16038b903041370d92da68489b7dd6edf3 · ca-sema-c79c786f063106ebd9bc815c2b2fea209739cfb9 · eu-oj-c1a4c847ffc75ba6016222f96ce9adb948f526c4 · eu-oj-f63ad59b0fe371199d49e7e3a498f30b5cf6f013 · eu-oj-574576b418bdac2fc4e4ecdb6068155850dda933 · nz-ru-ent-25-wagner-group · trade-csl-7d68bfae1f892c5dd1e34cb97597e1dd26877c85b59b23c258d7d30c · gb-hmt-15033 · fr-ga-7707 · eu-oj-e31c0f41b2f19386fb8eb3c96d073d71cbdb2d12 · ofac-22543 · trade-csl-3663e97f6ed2cd5d84910ba20839337f010854bfdff241e205383f0c · trade-csl-6dda13ce039f595bb83e77f89caef29e8fee3ea722f0a766dbb1837d · au-dfat-7209-private-military-company-wagner · NK-VG4U2Uo9JsdgDYZpR8UabV

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