Statements: Apollinaire Hakizimana

Canonical ID: NK-WDnKh8g8rofirsjBbv2FX2 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:lastNameAmikwe Lepicenggb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-drc0067
Person:lastNameAMIKWE LEPICgb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-16379
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAengjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-ad184ec35e6e51c10e6eab89b88c9d47c7e90566
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAau_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-7946-apollinaire-hakizimana
Person:nameHAKIZIMANA, Apollinaireus_trade_cslofac-44558
Person:namele poèteeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:nameAMIKWE LEPICeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:nameApollinaire HAKIZIMANAeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:nameApollinaire HAKIZIMANAframc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-744a228f3280a53da656d417e886e2efd5582e7d
Person:namele poètefraeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:namele poètefrabe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:nameAMIKWE LEPICeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAgb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-16379
Person:nameApollinaire HAKIZIMANAengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:nameApollinaire Hakizimanaenggb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-drc0067
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAframc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-09757c46b21f3a0c36a9aa6838104ed4518046cd
Person:nameApollinaire HAKIZIMANAengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:nameAMIKWE LEPICbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:nameApollinaire Hakizimanaengus_ofac_sdnofac-44558
Person:nameHakizimana Apollinairech_seco_sanctionsch-seco-64778
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAza_fic_sanctionszafic-713-apollinaire-hakizimana
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6908993
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAengus_sam_exclusionsusgsa-s4mrqp9m6
Person:nameAPOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANAua_sfms_blacklistua-sfms-1665
Person:nameApollinaire HAKIZIMANAfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-6831
Person:nameHakizimana Apollinairech_seco_sanctionsch-seco-71168
Person:notesFDLR-FOCA is led by i“Lieutenant-General” Gaston Iyamuremye, alias Rumuli or Victor Byiringiro and “General” Pacifique Ntawunguka, alias Omegam.eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:notesApollinaire HAKIZIMANAeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:notesListed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as “being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups”; “planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals”; and “acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity,” as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.gb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-16379
Person:notesFDLR-FOCA is led by i“Lieutenant-General” Gaston Iyamuremye, alias Rumuli or Victor Byiringiro and “General” Pacifique Ntawunguka, alias Omegam.be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:notesListed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as “being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups”; “planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals”; and “acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity,” as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.za_fic_sanctionszafic-713-apollinaire-hakizimana
Person:notesInscrit sur la liste en application des dispositions énoncées aux alinéas b), e) et h) du paragraphe 7 de la résolution 2293 (2016), telles que réaffirmées par la résolution 2688 (2023), au motif qu'il “appartient à la direction politique et militaire de groupes armés étrangers opérant en République démocratique du Congo qui font obstacle au désarmement et au rapatriement ou à la réinstallation volontaires des combattants appartenant à ces groupes”; “prépare, donne l'ordre de commettre ou commet en République démocratique du Congo des actes qui constituent des violations des droits de l'homme ou atteintes à ces droits ou des violations du droit international humanitaire, selon le cas, notamment des actes dirigés contre les civils, y compris des meurtres et des mutilations, des viols et d'autres violences sexuelles, des enlèvements, des déplacements forcés et des attaques contre des écoles et des hôpitaux”; et “agit au nom ou sur instruction d'une personne ou d'une entité désignée ou agit au nom ou sur instruction d'une entité qui appartient à une personne désignée ou qu'elle contrôle”. En tant que dirigeant militaire des FDLR-FOCA, Apollinaire HAKIZIMANA participe à la promotion des activités de ce groupe armé et les appuie. Groupe armé non étatique opérant dans l'est de la République démocratique de la RDC, les “Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda — Forces combattantes Abacunguzi” (FDLR-FOCA) entretiennent le conflit armé, l'instabilité et l'insécurité en RDC et sont responsables de graves atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans ce pays, notamment de meurtres de civils, et de violations graves, telles que des viols et d'autres actes de violence sexuelle et des enlèvements, y compris d'enfants. Les FDLR-FOCA sont dirigées par le “Général de corps d'armée” Gaston Iyamuremye (également connu sous les noms de Rumuli et Victor Byiringiro) et le “Général” Pacifique Ntawunguka (également connu sous le nom d'Omegam), tous deux visés par des sanctions. En tant que dirigeant des FDLR-FOCA, Apollinaire HAKIZIMANA contribue, en les planifiant, en les dirigeant ou en les commettant, à des actes constituant de graves violations des droits de l'homme ou de graves atteintes à ces droits en RDC. Il est également responsable d'entretenir le conflit armé, l'instabilité et l'insécurité en RDC. En tant que général de corps d'armée et commissaire à la défense des FDLR-FOCA, Apollinaire HAKIZIMANA dirige une entité désignée aux côtés de personnes désignées.frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-6831
Person:notesApollinaire HAKIZIMANAbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:notes安保理決議第2688号(2023年)で延長された同決議第 2293 号(2016 年)7jpnjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-ad184ec35e6e51c10e6eab89b88c9d47c7e90566
Person:notesListed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as “being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups”; “planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals”; and “acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity,” as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.un_sc_sanctionsunsc-6908993
Person:notesListed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as “being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups”; “planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals”; and “acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity,” as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.au_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-7946-apollinaire-hakizimana
Person:notesFDLR-FOCA is led by i“Lieutenant-General” Gaston Iyamuremye, alias Rumuli or Victor Byiringiro and “General” Pacifique Ntawunguka, alias Omegam.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:notesApollinaire HAKIZIMANAeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:notesThe FDLR-FOCA sustains the armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC and is responsible for serious human rights abuses in that country, in particular through recruitment and training of combatants, killings of civilians, and grave violations committed against children such as rapes and other acts of sexual violence and abduction. Owing to his leading position in the FDLR-FOCA, Apollinaire Hakizimana is therefore involved in planning, directing or committing acts that constitute serious human rights violations or abuses in the DRC. He is also responsible for sustaining the armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC. Apollinaire Hakizimana is a military leader of the “Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda – Forces combattantes abacunguzi” (FDLR-FOCA), as General and Commissioner of Defense of this non-governmental armed group operating in Eastern DRC.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-64778
Person:notesFunction/rank: Lieutenant-General within FDLR/Commissioner of Defensech_seco_sanctionsch-seco-64778
Person:notesListed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as “being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups”; “planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals”; and “acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity,” as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-71168
Person:notesDesignation: Commissioner for Defense for the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda - Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-71168
Person:notesDesignation: Lieutenant Generalch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-71168
Person:positionLieutenant Generalgb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-16379
Person:positionLeader/Commissioner of Defense for FDLRgb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-drc0067
Person:positionCommissioner for Defense for the Forces Déocratiques de Libération du Rwanda - Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA), Lieutenant Generalza_fic_sanctionszafic-713-apollinaire-hakizimana
Person:positionLieutenant-General within FDLR, Commissioner for Defence of the “Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda-Forces combattantes abacunguzi” (FDLR-FOCA), a non-governmental armed group operating in Eastern DR Congoeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-156582
Person:positionGénéral de corps d'arméefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-6831
Person:positionCommissaire à la défense des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda - Forces combattantes abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-6831
Person:positionLieutenant-General within FDLR, Commissioner for Defence of the “Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda-Forces combattantes abacunguzi” (FDLR-FOCA), a non-governmental armed group operating in Eastern DR Congoengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:positionLieutenant-General within FDLR, Commissioner for Defence of the “Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda-Forces combattantes abacunguzi” (FDLR-FOCA), a non-governmental armed group operating in Eastern DR Congoengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-10618-49
Person:positionGénéral de corps d’armée Commissaire à la défense des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda - Forces combattantes abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)framc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-09757c46b21f3a0c36a9aa6838104ed4518046cd
Person:positionGénéral de corps d’armée ; commissaire à la défense des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda - Forces combattantes abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)framc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-744a228f3280a53da656d417e886e2efd5582e7d
Person:positionCommissioner for Defense for the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda - Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)un_sc_sanctionsunsc-6908993
Person:positionLieutenant Generalun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6908993