Statements: Vladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKO

Canonical ID: Q5680808 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich Kiriyenkonz_russia_sanctionsnz-ru-ind-34-vladimir-kiriyenko
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOau_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-6654-vladimir-sergeevich-kiriyenko
Person:nameВладимир Сергеевич КИРИЕНКОbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameKirienko Vladimir Sergeyevichengru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:nameKIRIYENKO, Vladimir Sergeevichus_trade_cslofac-34596
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich Kiriyenkoengus_ofac_sdnofac-34596
Person:nameVladimir KiriyenkosqiwikidataQ5680808
Person:nameKiriyenko Vladimir Sergeevichch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:nameVladimir Kiriyenkoengjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-838262315a68e6195004ea371669b6c0089a6460
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevič KIRIJENKOeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136820
Person:nameВладимир Сергеевич Кириенкоengus_ofac_sdnofac-34596
Person:nameКірієнко Володимир Сергійовичukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17380-kirienko-volodimir-sergijovic
Person:nameKiriienko Volodymyr Serhiiovychengua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17380-kirienko-volodimir-sergijovic
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevič KIRIJENKOslveu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevitj KIRIJENKOeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136820
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevitj KIRIJENKOswebe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4462
Person:nameVladimir KIRIYENKOca_dfatd_sema_sanctionsca-sema-9ad55a53b1e17f5dd167c6fabd5986efb9f95d60
Person:nameVLADIMIR SERGEEVICH KIRIYENKOengus_sam_exclusionsusgsa-s4mrky6l9
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevitj KIRIJENKOsweeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Kiriyenkoengwd_categoriesQ5680808
Person:nameVladimir KirijenkodanwikidataQ5680808
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOgb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-14733
Person:nameВладимир КириенкоruswikidataQ5680808
Person:nameVladimir Sergejevič KIRIJENKOslvbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOenggb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0782
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOmc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-036fc1ffcfef3f9152f407d8d4e7888a45062ad8
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKObe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:nameVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKOeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136820
Person:nameВладимир Сергеевич КИРИЕНКОeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136820
Person:nameВладимир Сергеевич КИРИЕНКОeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:notesVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKO est le PDG de VK Company Limited. VK Company Limited est une société russe de l'internet, qui occupe une place importante dans le segment russophone de l'internet. Collectivement, ce sont les projets de VK qui ont eu la plus large audience en Russie et capté le plus de temps d'écran. Sur une base mensuelle, plus de 90% des internautes russes consultent les sites de VK et l'entreprise figure parmi les cinq plus grandes sociétés de l'internet, si l'on considère le nombre total de pages consultées. VK Company contrôle et exploite les trois sites de réseaux sociaux russes les plus importants et les plus populaires que sont VKontakte, Odnoklassniki et Moi Mir, ainsi que le service de messagerie électronique et le portail internet Vladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKO intervient donc dans des secteurs économiques qui constituent une source substantielle de revenus pour le gouvernement de la Fédération de Russie. Le gouvernement russe renforce son influence sur les médias et les réseaux sociaux. VK Company est contrôlée par Gazprom Media (une entreprise publique, qui est la principale source de revenus du gouvernement russe). Vladimir Sergeevich Kiriyenko soutient donc l'objectif de Vladimir Poutine de renforcer le contrôle de l'internet. Vladimir Kiriyenko apporte donc un soutien matériel ou financier actif aux décideurs russes responsables de l'annexion de la Crimée ou de la déstabilisation de l'Ukraine, ou en tire avantage. Étant donné que VK Company est détenue par le groupe public Gazprom, les recettes qu'elle génère constituent une source importante de revenus pour le gouvernement russe. Vladimir Kiriyenko est le fils de Sergei Kiriyenko, actuellement premier chef adjoint du cabinet présidentiel. Sergei Kiriyenko serait celui qui supervise la politique intérieure pour Vladimir Poutine.frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4462
Person:notesFirst Vice President of OJSC Rostelecom (until December 2021)ru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:notesFunction: CEO of VK Company Limited, the parent company of Russia’s top social media platform, VKontakte.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:notesFormer First Vice President of the Russian State-controlled company Rostelecom (2017-2021)ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:notesVladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKO is the CEO of VK Company Limited. VK Company Limited is a Russian internet company, with a major presence in the Russian speaking segment of internet. VK projects collectively had the largest audience in Russia and captured the most screen time. VK's sites reach more than 90 % of Russian internet users on a monthly basis and the company is in the top 5 of largest internet companies, based on the number of total pages viewed. It controls and operates the three largest and most popular Russian social networking sites, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir, as well as the email service and internet portal Vladimir Sergeevich KIRIYENKO is therefore involved in economic sectors providing a substantial source of revenue to the Government of the Russian Federation. The Russian government is increasing its influence over media and social networks. VK Company is controlled by Gazprom Media (a State-owned company which is the major source of income to the Russian Government). Vladimir Sergeevich Kiriyenko therefore supports Vladimir Putin’s aim for greater control over the internet. Vladimir Kiriyenko therefore actively supports, materially or financially, or benefits from Russian decision-makers responsible for the annexation of Crimea or the destabilisation of Ukraine. As VK Company is owned by the State-owned Gazprom group, the revenue it generates is an important source of revenue for the Russian Government. Vladimir Kiriyenko is the son of Sergei Kiriyenko, currently First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office. Sergei Kiriyenko is reported to be Vladimir Putin’s domestic policy curator.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:notesFormer Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhegorodpromstroybank (2008-2011)ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:notesHead of the LLC VK (ultimate owner of VK Company Limited). The holding owns many Internet resources controlled by the Russian authorities (VK, Odnoklassniki, and Moi Mir social networks, Internet portal, search engine and e-mail service, ICQ and Tam Tam messengers), which should become a replacement for their foreign counterparts after the latter are blocked. In addition, social networks and services owned by the company have a dubious policy regarding user data, providing it to law enforcement agencies on demand.ru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:notesCEO of VK Groupnz_russia_sanctionsnz-ru-ind-34-vladimir-kiriyenko
Person:notesSon of Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich who is the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. He is CEO of VKontakte.ru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:notesChairman of the Board of Directors of LLC Capital since 2011ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51380
Person:notesCEO of VK Groupau_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-6654-vladimir-sergeevich-kiriyenko
Person:notesRussian media managerengwikidataQ5680808
Person:positionPrésident du conseil d'administration de LLC Pobedafrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4462
Person:positionCEO of VKgb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0782
Person:positionCEO of VK Company Limited, the parent company of Russia’s top social media platform, VKontakte. Former First Vice President of the Russian State-controlled company Rostelecom (2017-2021) Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC Capital since 2011 Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhegorodpromstroybank (2008-2011)eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:positionCEO of VK Company Limited, the parent company of Russia’s top social media platform, VKontakte. Former First Vice President of the Russian State-controlled company Rostelecom (2017-2021) Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC Capital since 2011 Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhegorodpromstroybank (2008-2011)be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7683-96
Person:positionОрганизаторы политических репрессийrusru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:positionРуководители госкомпанийrusru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:positionOrganizers of political repressionsengru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:positionTop Management of State Owned Companiesengru_acf_bribetakersacf-eea63cc2e3fc4d348e3c677831e0ca4b7b07f55b
Person:positionГенеральный директор технологічної корпорації VKukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17380-kirienko-volodimir-sergijovic
Person:positionRelative of Sergei Kiriyenkoengjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-838262315a68e6195004ea371669b6c0089a6460
Person:positionCEO of VK Company Limited, the parent company of Russia’s top social media platform, VKontakte. Former First Vice President of the Russian State-controlled company Rostelecom (2017-2021) Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC Capital since 2011 Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhegorodpromstroybank (2008-2011)eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136820
Person:positionAncien premier vice-président de l'entreprise contrôlée par l'État russe Rostelecom (2017-2021)frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4462
Person:positionAncien président du conseil d'administration de Nizhegorodpromstroybank (2008-2011)frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4462